“Only one truth prevails!” From the popular anime series “Detective Conan” comes a Nendoroid of the main character, Conan Edogawa! He comes with three face plates including a confident standard expression, a serious expression for when he is closing in on the criminal as well as a dumbfounded expression for when those around him can’t quite keep up. The Nendoroid comes complete with his turbo engine skateboard and voice-changing bowtie to allow fans to display him solving all sorts of cases! Made at GSC’s ‘Lucky Factory’ in Tottori, Japan. This product will be made at Good Smile Company’s ‘Lucky Factory’ in Tottori, Japan. The product will be proudly ‘Made in Japan’, and sent all over the world for fans to enjoy!
©青山剛昌/小学館・読売テレビ・TMS 1996
All images © by GOOD SMILE COMPANY, INC.
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